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Selection of heating chamber type in vacuum furnace

Graphite screen type (hard felt and soft felt):

The utility model is suitable for quenching furnaces, annealing furnaces, etc. of general steel products. It is also suitable for high temperature brazing, powder metallurgy materials, sintering of ceramic materials, etc..

Metal screen type (molybdenum):

The utility model is suitable for quenching, solid solution and annealing of materials (such as high temperature alloy, titanium alloy, stainless steel, magnet material, etc.), vacuum high temperature brazing and powder injection molding products sintering.

Metal screen type (stainless steel):

Suitable for tempering, annealing, aging and brazing of vacuum aluminum.

Composite screen type (metal + ceramic fiber or Shi Mozhan):

The inner surface is resistant to erosion and is used between the metal and graphite screen type.

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